After surviving financial infidelity, will I be able to trust again?

Yes, in time.  Give yourself plenty of time.  My therapy was writing.  Needless to say, since my ex had subpoenaed the notes from my therapy sessions, with our marriage counselor, I did not have the luxury of future sessions, fearing he would and could do so at anytime.

It is true, time heals.  I recently had a conversation with a friend who, not only survived financial infidelity but also sexual infidelity and two attempts on her life by her ex husband.  It is hard for others to understand how evil people are unless they have been through this nightmare.  Her ten guardian angels were with her at all times.  She made a six figure salary but had to eat tuna casserole for three weeks in order to pay her legal fees.  How did she make it?  People helped her.  Her neighbors bought groceries and she got back on her feet.  I believe when you have a good heart the universe will bring you what you need.  She is in a wonderful relationship now for seven years.  Marriage is still on hold for the time being.

Three years out, I am happily in a relationship with a man, for two years, who is very good to me.  We are not married.  I really do not know if marriage is something I want in my life.  I have close friends and relate to them any doubts I may have.  I keep them in the loop to make sure I am doing the right thing.

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