Is it difficult living in the same city as your sister Justine and the church(SFOJ) she co-pastors?

Most of the time, no.  However, when I do see her it is, quite frankly, weird.  For example, I saw Justine in a Fresh Market yesterday.  I was simply picking out lettuce and I suddenly heard a voice so close to me she could have smelled my deodorant.  “Hi Jodi.”, she said.  I turned to see who it was and it was Justine dressed in cognito with dark sunglasses, long wet hair and baggy gym clothes.  She stood there with a toothy grin and a coffee stirrer in her teeth.  Creepy.   In my mind I thought, “Smiling like the devil himself.”  I just muttered a very unenthusiastic “hey” and went on shopping.

For the record, she likes to be in disguise at Fresh Market so no one will recognize her as the pastor’s wife shopping in a high end grocery store.  Whatever.

I will honestly admit, I have never seen a possession but I felt I was in the presence of a full manifestation.

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