How do you satisfy your readers who want more on the subject of financial infidelity?

Such a good question and one I had not considered but clearly readers want more on the subject of FI in every possible way! So much so, that a small few seem to think I held back information from them concerning FI! I assure you I did not. Because this book is a true story and not fiction, realistically, I can only write what I know. I’m on a real time line in which I am living the book. Real life is funny in that it does not give all the answers and certainly does not come in a neat package. If my readers feel frustrated by the lack of intel I have on Dug, as well as, the lack of justice, imagine how I feel! Financial infidelity is not only a terrifying experience but massively frustrating.

When I spoke with a parish priest about my story, his first comment was, “This is an extremely complicated situation.” No shit. When reading FIFI, I suggest you fasten your seat belt and stay focused. There is a lot happening and the pace of the story clips along nicely. The book has been in the hands of a publishing company with professional editors and proofreaders. If there were any problems with the writing, I seriously doubt I would be here discussing a book with you.

What legal information I could help give my readers, I left to a professional. This is where my attorney’s contribution to the last chapter comes in and I think he took a very complicated subject and made it accessible to everyone. “If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it.” ~ Albert Einstein.

In addition, I am confident more facts will surface because the truth always rises to the top. Herein lies the genesis of Book 2. Fear not dear reader, stay with me! We will get to the bottom of this and justice will prevail! (eventually)

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