Love Wins!!

My daughter came back to me Mother’s Day week! 

It has been four years since I was able to wrap my arms around her. I don’t know how we carried the pain of separation.

What I do know is everything I have read about deprograming is true. As soon as she left the influencing power, by going away to university, the process of deprograming began. Literally, the brain begins to see one truth. That one truth breaks through and from there all the lies unravel.

What was that one truth?

Her dad and step-mother began a campaign of character assassination, performing multiple blood and urine tests on my daughter for drugs, which were clean. My daughter told me her uncle, who is pastor of a local mega-church, recommended the drug testing be done. They used coercion to make her sign forms and contracts.

She is an honor student!!

The step-sister locked her out of the condo my daughter was forced to share. Suddenly, my daughter woke up one morning with the thought, “OMG, this is how my mom felt!”  She flipped her father the virtual middle finger and told him, “You can keep your money!”

Her dad froze her account and took away her car. For an entire month she began sleeping from bedpost to bedpost with .53 cents in her purse, long boarding to classes across LSU campus and completing her exams, all the while dealing with horrible anxiety. Jesus!!!! Who puts their beautiful 20 year old daughter in physical, mental and emotional jeopardy like this???

Lakeside Mall
Last picture before we were separated for nearly 5 years.

This is abuse. Anything could have happened to her!!! 

I’m glad I stayed close by.

Had I moved out of state, I would not be in the position to help my daughter. Upon calling me, we met. After work, my daughter went back to her step-mother’s house, a place she has called home for four years. Keep in mind “Tani” (as I refer to her in my book), the step-mother, is a “family law specialist” who last month paid $6000 to be on the cover of a small town coffee house rag. She and Dug like to sit in the front row of their mega-church every weekend. Christ in a kingcake.

My daughter proceeded to tell Tani she talked to me and the step-mother kicked my daughter out of her house. My husband and I literally went to pick up my daughter sitting at the end of Tani’s driveway surrounded by bags. Her face was in so much pain. At the same time, what she was doing was so amazingly brave.

By this time Dug, her father, was home. He told her she was financially cut off.


Recently, my daughter gave me her high school graduation mementos. I was blocked from attending the ceremony last year by a local mega church I call Six Flags Over Jesus in my book. The same pastor/brother-in-law hired extra security to keep me off the grounds. How christian of them.

My daughter continues to feel happier everyday! She sleeps well and says the anxiety is gone. Looking to the future, we want to educate the public on what alienation looks like from every angle.

This will be the best Mother’s Day ever!!!!




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