UPDATE: My adult children are hurting.

Update: My children are hurting. My son had a grand Mal seizure this past year and this is caused by stress, emotional and physical. My eldest daughter graduated from law school and is harassing her only sister by emails and Facebook. I have no doubt she is being coerced into doing so by her adopted father. He has brainwashed her for decades. I have done everything I can to alert their family who actually care, as well as, the community.

My youngest daughter is working hard with a team of professionals to get the help she needs. All she wants to do is heal and go back to school. How can anyone deny her this? Even though her father avoided prison by marrying a woman who could pay off his creditors and debt from insurance fraud…which is a FELONY...to the tune of $5 million, he doesn’t think he needs to financially help his own blood daughter.

I understand he has received an award from his high school De La Salle in New Orleans. I suspect “purchased” is a more appropriate verb. Frankly, I expect better from the Lasallian brothers.

Her father has destroyed her family of origin, traumatized his children and owes them for the rest of his goddamn life!!!

My attorney has candidly advised me, if any harm comes from my children being mistreated, I can go to court.



The media facade put forth by the ex is he. has. “MOVED ON”.  Not so when my children are still receiving, from his hand, Domestic Violence by Proxy.

This is the pivotal reason for showing the Domestic Violence in my first marriage from the previous post. As the abuser, he continues to NOT allow my children contact with me, their mother, without severe consequences which impedes them from independently moving forward in their young adult lives. And well they know it, because if they did, my eldest daughter would be fired from her job at his law firm and my son would be kicked out of the house his step-mother owns and demands he pay rent. Money he could be saving to start a life on his own.

But that is not their father’s goal. His goal is to hold my two children mentally, emotionally and physically hostage and to torture my youngest daughter at every turn.

“Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but not their own facts.” – Daniel Moynihan

Here are Domestic Violence by Proxy facts which prove he has NOT MOVED ON:

1.) FACT: He kicked his youngest and only blood daughter out of the house the same day she contacted me, her mother.

2.) FACT: He took his youngest and only blood daughter’s car away the same day she contacted me, her mother.

3.) FACT: His youngest and only blood daughter continues to be in my life (note: the above photo from her birthday last month) and he withdrew her financial support for college last summer while she lived with me, her mother.

4.) FACT: He continues to ambush and attempts to sabotage relationships while his youngest daughter is trying to move forward in her life. We have evidence.

Based on what has actually taken place, we can use deductive reasoning for the following:

5.) If his son came to see me, he would take away his car, just like his sister.

6.) If his son came to see me, they would kick him out of the house, just like his sister.

7.) If my first born daughter came to see me, her mother, he would fire her from her job at the law firm. Frankly, I’d be more proud of her if she were making an honest living doing anything else, even flipping burgers, rather than working at a law firm with known corruption and fraud.

Their father has NEVER “MOVED ON”. But wouldn’t it be nice if he did.

As long as my children continue to be subjected to this kind of abuse, I will be right here beating the drum.

6 thoughts on “UPDATE: My adult children are hurting.

  1. Thx , for sharing.
    My adult kids are also so Horribly Stockholmed. Where are the Psychologist now? Why is there no protection of our children from this Machiavellian Abuse.? Everyone sees it. Why are DV groups and Women’s groups doing nothing.?

  2. This is emotional blackmail. Your children need to decide whether or not creature comforts are worth trading their freedom and emotional well being for. I, personally, have always been careful who I accept gifts or favors from. It would be a personal decision whether to continue as things now are or take control of their own lives (if I recall correctly, your children are of age). Were I your child, this would make me angry enough to cut ties and take legal action, if possible, for all of the emotional trauma he has and continues to inflict on them. My greatgrandchildren are currently in a similar position. The 10 year old has said her “Nana” can’t keep her away from her family forever. She remembers and understands who caused them to be removed from their maternal family. She refers to her biological by his first name, refuses to speak to him on the phone or visit him in prison. She has been adopted by his adoptive mother who with DCFS, political connections and money orcharestrated our scenario. (The Nana is 75 and has tried to tie up loose ends with guardianship and a trust fund should she die before my great granddaughter is an adult, an evil, mean spirited woman.)

    • Thank you for sharing your experience. Two of my children are disabled and need support for the time being. I wish it was a cut and dry decision for them but sadly, it is not the case. Additionally, I have come to the understanding from other adult children in similar circumstances who are willing to ride this out and get what they believe is their fair share. Having professionals such as doctors and therapists involved provides leverage to the child and accountability to the abusers. Is this courageous or what?! My children are the bravest people I know. If nefarious monsters are going to create all these mistakes with our children, then let them pay for it and correct it with their own blood, sweat and tears and yes, even their money! Because let me say this, causing all this trauma with a child is going to be expensive. My current husband and I poured thousands into my daughter’s life when she came back to us just to get her back on her feet and give her care. I’m glad we could do it and had the means to help her but she needed even more professional care.

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