The document speaks for itself.

This document is a matter of public record. In addition to the suspected forged signatures, these individuals were planning to build a school and other municipal projects on BOTH sides of the lake. Two of the attorneys involved have a weekend radio show on WWL giving legal advice to the community.

This is a settlement that calls out suspected criminal activity on page 6 (shown). The named insurance company was able to work out a deal to obtain their money.

This document reveals the most egregious act against me by my ex. Holding me responsible for nearly $2,000,000. My attorney was able to prove my signature was forged and is separate from these proceedings.

I, myself, and another party named as an individual indemnitor, filed two separate formal complaints last year, to the Louisiana Bar about this mater, stating that our forged signatures were notarized. To date, no disciplinary action has been taken.

You can view the entire document by clicking the Facebook link on the Home page.

Love Wins!!

My daughter came back to me Mother’s Day week! 

It has been four years since I was able to wrap my arms around her. I don’t know how we carried the pain of separation.

What I do know is everything I have read about deprograming is true. As soon as she left the influencing power, by going away to university, the process of deprograming began. Literally, the brain begins to see one truth. That one truth breaks through and from there all the lies unravel.

What was that one truth?

Her dad and step-mother began a campaign of character assassination, performing multiple blood and urine tests on my daughter for drugs, which were clean. My daughter told me her uncle, who is pastor of a local mega-church, recommended the drug testing be done. They used coercion to make her sign forms and contracts.

She is an honor student!!

The step-sister locked her out of the condo my daughter was forced to share. Suddenly, my daughter woke up one morning with the thought, “OMG, this is how my mom felt!”  She flipped her father the virtual middle finger and told him, “You can keep your money!”

Her dad froze her account and took away her car. For an entire month she began sleeping from bedpost to bedpost with .53 cents in her purse, long boarding to classes across LSU campus and completing her exams, all the while dealing with horrible anxiety. Jesus!!!! Who puts their beautiful 20 year old daughter in physical, mental and emotional jeopardy like this???

Lakeside Mall
Last picture before we were separated for nearly 5 years.

This is abuse. Anything could have happened to her!!! 

I’m glad I stayed close by.

Had I moved out of state, I would not be in the position to help my daughter. Upon calling me, we met. After work, my daughter went back to her step-mother’s house, a place she has called home for four years. Keep in mind “Tani” (as I refer to her in my book), the step-mother, is a “family law specialist” who last month paid $6000 to be on the cover of a small town coffee house rag. She and Dug like to sit in the front row of their mega-church every weekend. Christ in a kingcake.

My daughter proceeded to tell Tani she talked to me and the step-mother kicked my daughter out of her house. My husband and I literally went to pick up my daughter sitting at the end of Tani’s driveway surrounded by bags. Her face was in so much pain. At the same time, what she was doing was so amazingly brave.

By this time Dug, her father, was home. He told her she was financially cut off.


Recently, my daughter gave me her high school graduation mementos. I was blocked from attending the ceremony last year by a local mega church I call Six Flags Over Jesus in my book. The same pastor/brother-in-law hired extra security to keep me off the grounds. How christian of them.

My daughter continues to feel happier everyday! She sleeps well and says the anxiety is gone. Looking to the future, we want to educate the public on what alienation looks like from every angle.

This will be the best Mother’s Day ever!!!!




Publicity is Your Best Protection

“The best thing you can do for your personal safety is to tell your story...”-William Colby, 10th Director of Central Intelligence

Quote above taken from the book, “The Franklin Cover-Up” by John DeCamp

Have said this many times on my radio show and blog and now this fact is confirmed by a former Director of the CIA. He also mentioned, have the media interested.

Publicity is your best protection.

“The battle against charlatans and con men requires eternal vigilance.”

“Why did it take so long?”

A question many will ask in the future when cases of church abuse have been counted and assessed. After viewing the Academy Award winning movie Spotlight, I felt I had witnessed first hand the power of church influence over a community, a city, and a parish. Although I grew up Catholic and saw much of what was reenacted in the movie, the brainwashing and control seemed to leap from the screen. What are we doing?

Personally, I will always believe in God because I am a spiritual person who has faith that there is a grand design and Designer in our midst. The gravitational pull of Harry Potter, magic and vampires compels us to accept the fascination human beings have for the spiritual realm because we are, in fact, made for the supernatural.

“People will always want their gurus.” –Escape by Paul Morantz

Perhaps the above statement is true. I have read in great detail all of Mr. Morantz’s experiences, legal battles and threats to his well being and I have to agree. He battled numerous cults on the West Coast in 1970’s including Synanon and Scientology and is considered the foremost legal expert in the country on cults and brainwashing.

For me, however, it is no less baffling. Not only do people want their gurus, the 1st Amendment of the United States gives them protection under the law and the church’s tax exempt status gives them more money.

You know what they said in Boston during the child abuse crisis by priests? “Oh but they do so much good! We can’t throw away a pastor over a few bad apples. Join the party!” – Spotlight. There were thousands of survivors but only a hand full in the support group S.N.A.P. ( Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) and only 130 had come forward and spoke to Boston Globe reporters.  That is until the dam broke above the fold of the Boston Globe newspaper on the Epiphany in 2002.

Right now the Northshore is home to a mega-church I refer to in my book as Six Flags Over Jesus church. It happens to be owned and led by family members. The pastor is my brother-in-law who is married to one of my sisters. My nieces and nephews grew up in that church. They all live in a big sprawling house in a well known subdivision I like to call in my book, Nuevo Riche. My two younger children began attending SFOJ church a little over five years ago.

During my divorce, the pastor and my sister shunned me from family gatherings and holidays where my ex and children were invited. My sister doesn’t hesitate to pose with my children in photos. I suspect she has pathologically taken my place.

Further,I suspect he pastor and his wife have elevated my ex in the church by assigning him a leadership position for prayer groups. If I could tell you the details of what people have witnessed from my ex of late, you would shake your head in disbelief. The over riding comment, “His behavior is not based in reality.”

My children have not been allowed to visit me in four years.

I suspect the pastor and his wife have given their ringing endorsement for parental alienation by condoning, cooperating and celebrating the ongoing abuse of my children while I have been erased from their lives as their mother.  What kind of impact does this carry?

It is immense. It is like God showing up and saying, “God doesn’t like your mother either.”

That my friends is uniquely spiritual abuse.

It is the argument Paul Morantz used in winning his precedent setting cases against cult leaders in California who were protected under the same First Amendment as churches. I have a case. I suspect the people of St. Tammany may protect their churches and are afraid to speak against them. Our silence is complicit and damning.

“If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to abuse them.”-Spotlight.

I believe more people will come forward. Some have already talked to me after learning of my book and told me their stories. I promise you, we are not alone.

Do you have similar suspicions?


The title quote is from the book Escape by Paul Morantz. 

“I know you. You measured me for my coffin.”

Father’s Day 2016 was marked by a picture on social media of my children with people who measured me for my coffin long before my book was released. While I fought for survival,(emotionally, spiritually, and physically) having everything but my integrity and soul ripped away, my family banded together in a united front against me.

Why? Because evidently my ex was born without a conscience and I could not be bought by his money. Everyone in my family loves his money. They can have it.

I stand for integrity and the truth.

The group picture, posted Father’s Day weekend, includes my children with their step-mother and step-sister, my sister the pastor’s wife and my step-mother. My step-mother took our inheritance sometime after 2010, when my father was diagnosed with cancer. He was ill, did not want treatment and needed my step-mother to take care of him. How convenient for her.

When I talked to the attorney about dad’s will, after his death, the attorney was very candid and I’m sure well aware of what my step-mother accomplished in three short years before my father died. Our conversation went as follows:

Attorney: “Your step-mother has everything.”

Me: “Oh well, I guess that’s that.” (laughing)

Attorney: “But if she dies in 30 days, it’s all yours and your sisters.”


Attorney: “I’m not kidding.”

You may be wondering, what is my family fighting for?  I’ll tell you. Their social standing!

That’s right, now that they have their money all squirreled away in bank accounts, especially the tax-exempt church accounts, nothing is more important to these greedy mother fuckers than their social standing.

Interesting observation; I’m not sure why my ex is not in the photo. It actually looks like a picture one would take of a gathering on Mother’s Day. Weird.

How is one man, who forged their Mother’s signature during twenty years of marriage on multiple legal, insurance and financial documents, committed multiple counts of perjury in Family Court (happens everyday with impunity), multiple counts of insurance fraud (felonies), who abusively keeps his children alienated from their Mother, and who destroyed a family, worthy of honor on Father’s Day?

The answer is, he isn’t. Moreover, he is not worthy of practicing law.


To be continued.


(Disclosure: Although my kids are now young adults, they are still living under their step-mother’s roof and are just trying to survive. My first born still depends on my ex for her livelihood and post-graduate education. Their father is an unconscionable human being who likes to appear devout by leading prayer groups at my brother-in-law’s church. My children’s father has put each one under enormous stress disguised as love in exchange for their unquestioned loyalty. To understand more about cults and brainwashing, I recommend Paul Morantz book, “Escape”)

The above quote is from the movie,“The Best of Men”, viewed on Netflix.

Grooming: It’s not about personal hygiene.

“Indeed, it makes our role more important when the legal system so often fails the vulnerable as they face off against the powerful.” – Ronan Farrow

The following essay, by Ronan Farrow, appeared today. I have followed his family’s struggles since the advent of his mother’s book in the 1990’s. “What Falls Away” written by Mia Farrow. Abuse comes in many forms, not all leaving obvious marks, but the manipulation and control has a definitive pattern.

Substitute fear for love and call it caring.  

I never imagined my own children would be subjected to the same grooming techniques all predators use against their targets. Please click on the link below and read his accurate account.

My Father, Woody Allen, and the Danger of Questions Unasked (Guest Column) – Hollywood Reporter


I’ve looked at clouds from both sides now. – Joni Mitchell

Sunset on Mt. Mauna Kea, The Big Island, Hawaii.

Sunset on Mt. Mauna Kea, The Big Island, Hawaii.

Clouds can be beautiful. Sometimes we see an approaching storm and sometimes we see the Divine. Our senses provide us with the hard core reality that is filtered through our perspective at any given moment.

I’ve looked at clouds from both sides now.

Recently, I read on social media someone explaining a financial struggle they are having. I knew these were good people and members of Six Flags Over Jesus church, a mega-church/cult in our community. This is a cry for help, I believe, on so many levels. We have a huge problem in our community, a thriving cult.

I write in my book an encounter, my attorney had, with members of said church/cult. They were meeting with him for financial advice because they were tithing 10% to SFOJ church and could not pay their car note.

Do they realize their hard earned taxed dollars, being collected by this mega-church, are used to support pastoral leaders, as well as, an entity that is tax exempt? They are, in fact, funding a tax exempt golf and country club lifestyle, including large homes and luxury cars.

In what world is this acceptable?

Apparently, our world and it is all done in the name of God.

A friend and fan of the book said to me, “Jodi, we are not doing stupid,”

I said, “No, we are not.”


The Radio Show about a book that rocked a community and has everyone speaking in code.

The following show aired last month on my radio show.  One of the first contacts I received, from fans of FIFI, were two sisters who had experienced everything I talked about in the chapter entitled Six Flags Over Jesus church. They knew the players in that chapter and wished I had disclosed more than I did. They also knew I was telling the truth. Because of that, they trusted me, wanted to meet me and tell me their story. We shared an amazing day enjoying Thai food, visiting a St. Joseph’s Altar and shopping in Chapelle’s bookstore. This is where they felt safe, in a Catholic high school, and had good memories growing up…away from the cult they knew in non-denominational churches.

Saree Shaefer is my guest this week on the show. It is important to listen to her story because she is coming from a place of authenticity and continues to heal today. There is no hype about the level of destruction these cults can cause. I plan to be vigilant in bringing this information to the public. Why do I do this? Perhaps because my family is leading a mega-church cult that is responsible for hurting so many people. I know it is not my fault but if I can, in some way, help others heal by listening to their story and shining a light, I will.

Please listen in on the audio below:


Interview with Frank Tranchina, Esq. on The Jodi Parmley Show

The following recording took place last month on my radio show.

Frank Tranchina is a local high profile attorney who is fan of my book F.I.F.I. and bought 5 copies for his clients because he thinks every woman should have this information.

If you missed the show, the recording is here at the bottom of the page! His impressive resumè is as follows:

Frank is a partner in the law firm of Tranchina & Mansfield,LLC. He received his law degree from Loyola University School of Law in 1979. He is Board Certified in Family Law by the Louisiana Board of Legal Specialization and is also licensed in the State of California. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. He is a past chairman of the Family Law sections of the Louisiana State and Jefferson Bar Associations as well as co-chair of the board certification committee for family law practitioners when first introduced to Louisiana. In addition,Mr. Tranchina has been a frequent lecturer at seminars and conferences throughout Louisiana. Since 1985, he has been listed in The Best Lawyers in America and has been identified in Who’s Who in American Law since 2000. In 2007, he was inducted into the Academy of Court Appointed Masters. He has also been listed in Louisiana Super Lawyers magazine since its first publication in 2007.

Mr. Tranchina was appointed by the Louisiana Supreme Court to the Family Court Rules  Committee selected to recommend uniform rules for Family and Domestic Relations Court across the State of Louisiana. He frequently acts as Special Master on complex community property cases and has been appointed by family court judges as an expert witness. Most recently, he was qualified in the Los Angeles Superior Court as an expert on Louisiana law and testified regarding the validity of a transexual marriage that took place in Louisiana.



Justice System = “Just-Us” System


Judicial Branch has become the Royalty Branch

While reading an article online yesterday about Bernie Sanders, I had to ask myself: What disqualified me from being the domicile parent to my children??


Because I was excluded from the incestuous legal circles or perhaps because I  could not make promises of campaign money to The Honorable This or The Distinguished That?

Well, god forbid our kids should be raised by a parent with integrity.

My children are being wined and dined and promised fully funded advanced degrees on ill gotten gains. They are being raised by a smooth criminal.  Their father has committed several acts of insurance fraud and has multiple lawsuits against him from all over the state of Louisiana. He is an individual who should not be practicing law much less raising our children for the past four years.

The last telephone conversation I had with someone from an Insurance Company, where my signature and another person’s signature were forged, the dialog went like this:

Ms.Grey: “No one has made a report to the police or the Louisiana State Bar about your ex?”

Me: “Not that I know of.”

Ms.Grey: “You have not made a report?”

Me: “My attorney has not advised me to do so. Plus, I have been busy documenting my ordeal in a recently published book. My divorce cost me tens of thousands of dollars I didn’t have. Do I have to do everything?”

Ms. Grey: “You mean your ex is still practicing law?!”

Me: “Yep. Not only that but he has a weekly radio show giving legal advice. ”

Ms. Grey: “Oh my god.”

Personally, I would love to report my ex to the State Bar but my attorney, god love him, really wants me to have my half of the community property, which my ex refuses to give me. I would, in effect, have to relinquish my half in order to make the report.

I send ASAP emails to my attorney saying “Let’s do this.”,but he is tenacious about the money. I may have to wrestle him to the ground.

Clearly, my ex is an individual who should not be practicing law. He needs to be reported to the Louisiana State Bar but so far, no one has done so because they keep thinking they can get their money out of him if he continues his practice. You know, last I heard Edwin Edwards was doing fine selling Real Estate.