Is it difficult living in the same city as your sister Justine and the church(SFOJ) she co-pastors?

Most of the time, no.  However, when I do see her it is, quite frankly, weird.  For example, I saw Justine in a Fresh Market yesterday.  I was simply picking out lettuce and I suddenly heard a voice so close to me she could have smelled my deodorant.  “Hi Jodi.”, she said.  I turned to see who it was and it was Justine dressed in cognito with dark sunglasses, long wet hair and baggy gym clothes.  She stood there with a toothy grin and a coffee stirrer in her teeth.  Creepy.   In my mind I thought, “Smiling like the devil himself.”  I just muttered a very unenthusiastic “hey” and went on shopping.

For the record, she likes to be in disguise at Fresh Market so no one will recognize her as the pastor’s wife shopping in a high end grocery store.  Whatever.

I will honestly admit, I have never seen a possession but I felt I was in the presence of a full manifestation.

Is financial infidelity worse than sexual affairs?

First, the seriousness of this situation cannot be overstated.

In my experience, financial infidelity is more destructive and painful to a marriage than sexual affairs because, it not only involves betrayal, but also criminal activity.

In addition, it is the identity theft no one talks about.  Can you imagine having your identity stolen by the person you sleep in the same bed with??  Why you ask?  Oh yeah, because you signed a marriage license.

Finally, and let me be crystal clear, if your spouse is forging your signature, he/she intends on taking you down with him/her.  It is called fraud, it is a felony and a jail-able offense.  Game over.


How is your life different compared to four years ago?

My life today is a complete 180 compared to where I was at that time.  I recall sleeping on a mattress on the floor of my new apartment, surrounded  by boxes and thinking, “I haven’t done anything wrong and here I am, all alone, sleeping on the floor.”  I was grateful I had been pulled from death and safe but in the process, everything had been taken from me.

Never in a million years did I think myself and my children would be thrust into the injustices of Family Court, such as it exists today.  I am actively campaigning for an attorney to unseat  a corrupt incumbent judge who meted out the decision to give my ex domicile custody, leaving me and my children at the mercy of their father’s cluster fuck.  In the process, I find myself fighting for justice for all abused children and their mothers.  I am awe struck and humbled by the opportunity.

In part, I have the assholes to thank for this.  You know, it is important to thank the assholes. Without them I, and those who fight the good fight with me, would not have the chance to liberate a myriad of lives.

Today I live with a beautiful man in our lovely home in the country where I am loved and appreciated everyday.  There is peace here.  I have seized my life and the Universe has returned everything that was removed and given me even more.  The only thing missing is my children.  In time, they will be in my life.

I have met so many wonderful people, a number of them are my friends.  The support we share is a tangible connection.  Step by step and day by day, I have built a wonderful life.

Jack and I in Watercolor,FL

Jack and I in Watercolor, FL


How does Six Flags Over Jesus Church (SFOJ) receive over $10,000,000 in less than 3 years?

Impossible you say?  Not when one of the associate pastors hands over his wife’s recent multi-million dollar inheritance without her permission.  That’s right.  Another case of financial infidelity.  SFOJ church has no intention of giving back the money to this woman.  No surprises here.  For this reason, a huge lawsuit against SFOJ church has been filed.  This is NOT just gossip and speculation.  This is information straight from an attorney.

I still receive mail from SFOJ, approximately one letter per year.  I have a change of address and they have managed to update their files without my assistance. (Oh yeah, they are my family. Sigh.)  I have saved the letters.

Lets turn the calendar back to April, 2013.  In this particular letter we are told SFOJ church has collected over $5,000,000 towards the $8.5 million dollar “bank required need” in order to move into their new mega-church building.  That means by October, 2014 (18 months) they acquired another $5,000,000.  Pastor Rich calls it a miracle.  I wonder what the woman who had her inheritance stolen from her calls it?

Apparently, they still need and are asking for over $3,000,000 more.  Jesus.

“They want to get my gold on the ceiling, I ain’t blind, it’s just a matter of time before ya steal it.  It’s alright, ain’t no gun in my house.” ~ The Black Keys

Do you feel stronger today?

Short answer is: Yes.

Because of the people in my life who love, value and appreciate me, I can honestly say I am validated in all respects.  Did it happen right away?  The validation did begin right away.  As soon as I let people in on what was happening to me, I  immediately felt a sense of authentication.  I believe there is a vibration that recognizes truth.  It resonates inside every human being.

In this age of relativism (not a fan), we often hear the phrase “my truth” or “your truth”.  Truth and experience are not synonyms.  Look it up.

Make no mistake, you may have your experience and I may have my experience but there is only one truth.   

Rainy day in the French Quarter.  I can smell the wet bricks from here.

Rainy day in the French Quarter. I can smell the wet bricks from here.