Do you feel stronger today?

Short answer is: Yes.

Because of the people in my life who love, value and appreciate me, I can honestly say I am validated in all respects.  Did it happen right away?  The validation did begin right away.  As soon as I let people in on what was happening to me, I  immediately felt a sense of authentication.  I believe there is a vibration that recognizes truth.  It resonates inside every human being.

In this age of relativism (not a fan), we often hear the phrase “my truth” or “your truth”.  Truth and experience are not synonyms.  Look it up.

Make no mistake, you may have your experience and I may have my experience but there is only one truth.   

Rainy day in the French Quarter.  I can smell the wet bricks from here.

Rainy day in the French Quarter. I can smell the wet bricks from here.

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