While I am going through the crisis of financial infidelity, how do I keep my wits about me?

1.Please, please, please stay alert.  This is not the time to have a second glass of wine or, for that matter, drain the wine box.  I was lucky in that I was already sober and my lifestyle is such that I do not drink because alcoholism runs in my family.  Alcohol increases panic attacks and is a depressant.

2.Avoid mood altering and recreational drugs.  I know some people need an anti-anxiety prescription.  Please proceed with caution.

3.Your feelings and emotions are there for a good reason.  Feelings may not always be facts but they serve an important purpose.  So much so, that when we medicate them, we enter the slippery slope of denial and potential substance abuse.  It is better to seek therapy and acknowledge your feelings.  No one ever died from feeling their feelings.  Feelings cannot kill you.  It is a normal human experience.

4. Drugs and alcohol alter behavior.  No matter what is happening or how you feel, stay calm and take the high road.  Your credibility is important.  Meditation, exercise, music, being outdoors…all these help create positive feelings.

5.Breathe slowly from your abdomen if you start to feel anxious.  It is a natural relaxation technique.  You’re welcome! 🙂



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