Should I go to the same therapist as my husband for counseling?

The short answer is: No.

I was very naive about how having the same therapist as my then husband, would play out in a court of law.  You may need your therapist to speak on your behalf, before the judge, as a character witness.  If he /she also had sessions with your spouse then he/she will NOT be allowed to speak on your behalf in court.  Because my then husband was an attorney experienced in domestic cases, he knew this and therefore aggressively maneuvered his way in seeing the same therapist as I.  Do not make the same mistake!  Even if this is a typical marriage crisis and you expect reconciliation, be careful and CYA!

Although the snake of an ex-husband I had subpoenaed my therapy notes, I did not retaliate in kind.  Reason being, I believe what he did was unethical, though allowable by law.


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