I feel like I have had everything taken away from me, how do I cope?

I cannot emphasize this enough, you are not alone!  The combination of financial infidelity, divorce from an attorney and a corrupt judge left me in the same situation.

Three years after the court decision to give my ex domicile custody and the house, St. Tammany is in an election year for family court judge.  I am heavily campaigning for her opponent.  The timing is interesting because the election  falls on the same year and season of my book release.  There are NO coincidences.  I do have 50-50 custody but because my ex refuses to do the right thing, my children have not been allowed to visit me for two years.

Sure, I could go to court and fight for visitation but I am also a child of divorced parents.  I know all too well what my children are feeling and experiencing.  If they were very young children I might have appealed.  But because they are nearly of age, time is on my side.  Their father’s second marriage to an attorney and a mediator( if you can believe that), living in her house and under her roof, puts my children at a disadvantage.  Lets face it, they need to survive.  I do not want to upset the status quo and create stress for my kids.  They need to do well in school.  I do not want them in the middle of a battle while they are just trying to grow into adults and be successful.

I am sure they miss me.  I know I miss them.  I did have twenty years caring for my children so, I know they have a large part of my love and time .   It is a painful decision to step back and not fight to see them. However, I choose NOT to turn my kids into a taffy pull.

I do pray a lot.  There is a CD in my car set for four Rosaries and a litany of other traditional prayers.  It’s my meditation.  I was raised Catholic and this is my thing.

When you have a good heart and are doing the right thing, the universe will bring you what you need.

I believe God does not sleep.  Based on that premise, it is fair to say I have taken this to a HIGHER COURT!  Because I have faith, I know there are higher powers fighting on my behalf.  There is too much evidence supporting that belief to deny it.  I have had miraculous connections made for my benefit and so will you!

“The world is so much more than we know.” ~ Ben Hur, movie

When I participate in pro-active causes, such as this campaign, I become part of the solution.  Once I knew my candidate was out there running to unseat this corrupt judge, I realized I was not the only one going through the injustice and bias of family court.  For the last three years I thought I was all alone in the wilderness! Nothing could have been further from the truth and all my instincts were correct.


Audubon Park

Live your new life with all that you have.  Do not feel guilty one minute for doing so. You must move forward.  Work, travel, make friends and go to social events. Volunteer for a worthwhile cause.  Stay relevant.  THE WORLD NEEDS YOU!


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