Do you think financial infidelity is happening more in the last decade and why are we not hearing about it?

The old adage taken from Ecclesiastes, “there is nothing new under the sun”, certainly holds true for financial infidelity.  However, talking with my attorney, I know financial infidelity is occurring at a high frequency.  After reading the book “The Sociopath Next Door.”, I came to understand that the unconscionable behaviors of greed and self-aggrandizing are as much nature as nurture.

For example, I learned that America has the highest percentage of sociopaths in the world.  Americans tend to value independence, wealth and climbing the ladder of success.  When combined with ethical behavior, such as, honesty, humility and generosity, these attributes are no problem in a culture.  The problem is when people decide to sell their souls and destroy whomever is in their path in order to a achieve their goals of wealth and success.

In contrast, Asia has a very low percentage of sociopaths.  It is a culture which fosters community.  For example, taking care of their elderly is a high priority.  If someone is born without a conscious in Asia, they will mimic the behaviors that are modeled in their community.  Therefore, if a sociopath in Asia lacks the mental check and feelings of compassion for their older family members, they are more likely to act out the behaviors modeled for them, in order to conform.  The pressure to conform is an effective behavior modification.

Perhaps we do not hear about financial infidelity because of the devastation.  I do not know how many people could have survived what I endured, much less write a book about it.  For this reason, it became imperative that I use my experience and my book as a platform to help others who may be feeling too defeated to tell their story.

St. Joan of Arc at the foot of Decatur Street.

St. Joan of Arc at the foot of Decatur Street.

I want to see you be brave.

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