Why is it not good enough for my family that my mom and dad reconciled and always loved each other?

To the Family:  I am still receiving email from my daughter who is being told disinformation about my parent’s marriage that happened between my mom and dad in 1960. 62 years ago!!

  Can you imagine telling the next generation a bunch half truths and bald faced lies about an event that happened in 1960-1967 and ended in divorce like it happened yesterday? Just wow.

For your information, my dad and mom reconciled, said they loved each other and exchanged letters and photos in the late 1980’s, soon after my first born came into the world. My dad told me himself he always loved my mom. He came to my apartment in Old Metairie and told me while I was pregnant with my first born, his first grandchild. My mom told me about the photos and letters she sent him. This was between my mom and dad. They always loved each other. Always.

My mom and dad on their wedding day.

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