What is financial infidelity?

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The most common question I am asked about my book is: What is financial infidelity? My personal experience with financial infidelity involved, my then attorney/husband, forging my signature on legal, financial and insurance documents.
Let me say what it is not…it is not hiding Amazon boxes under your bed. Yes, we’ve all done it. We all work hard and feel entitled to have what we want. Eventually, you will show your spouse the new awesome whatchamacallit but timing is everything. The sense of entitlement becomes corrupt, for example, when someone feels entitled to sign your name without your consent. The action therefore becomes a crime, i.e. fraud. Being married does not make your spouse entitled to use your credibility, which is your name, without your knowledge. Your spouse does not own you. Once you have discovered financial infidelity, it is time to get the hell out. If you allow people to commit crimes in your name without question, you are as guilty as they are.

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