How do I find out if financial infidelity is happening to me?

The second most common question I hear is: How do I find out if financial infidelity is happening to me? Answer: Dig.

Become an unapologetic spy.  His phone is your phone.  His laptop is your laptop.  The way I discovered financial infidelity is through a high school friend whom my then husband hired to work in his law office.  She worked there approximately 10 months.  My friend saw my forged signature everywhere.  She is smart and knows when something stinks. Because of her integrity, she could not be bought by him.  Without her information, I may not have discovered the financial infidelity.  I was lucky to have such a good friend.  I sometimes wonder, what would have become of me if we lived away from our hometown?  My  childhood friends grew up with me, went to school with me and knew what kind of person I was.

I recall attending a funeral, with my then husband, one year before filing for divorce.  A long time friend, who lived  on the same street as I did growing up, lost her husband after an extended illness.  My friend’s mother was there and was thrilled to see me.  I remember her looking directly at my husband and saying, “I’ve known Jodi her whole life.  She is a beautiful person inside and out.  Don’t forget that.”  It was totally out of nowhere but maybe she had a premonition.  I believe instincts are important.  Let people in on what is happening in your life.

Seek out professionals.  Because of chest pain I experienced while on the treadmill with my personal trainer, I went to a Cardiologist for an evaluation.  I write about this in FIFI.  It was this doctor who told me (paraphrase) I did not have to continue living with the insanity of my marriage.  I was in control.  It was a pivital moment.  I knew then I had to take action.

Sometimes working in the office can still uncover nothing.  In the book House of Zeus, Dickey Scruggs wife worked in his law office their entire married life.  She met with their CPA once a year.  Maybe it was the only thing that kept her husband from forging her signature on documents.  Still, Scruggs was cunning enough to hide the books on his class action suit winnings, with the tobacco industry, from his wife. 

French Quarter

French Quarter

I hope with this book, FIFI, people can obtain a foothold on their circumstances, no matter where they live, and know they are not alone, they are not imagining things and there is real help out there.


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