The Baboon’s Ass: Have you heard anything from your ex or family about the book?


I have been asked several times, “Have you heard anything from your ex or family about the book?’  Up until recently,nothing but the sound of crickets. I would have to say the following is evidence that my ex ordered a book on Amazon as a means to cyber bully. Read on.

During my life I have witnessed people, who possess no self-awareness, display behavior much like a baboon showing his ass. Case in point, my ex has decided to turn his baboon’s ass towards reviewing my book on, leaving his initials behind (JS). He calls the writing “poor” and gives it a whole one star, in contrast with the nine 5 star ratings and fantastic reviews.

Further, he claims my grown children have nothing to do with me. First, this statement is false and secondly, it references nothing of the book.  It could only be made by someone heavily invested in the demise of my circumstances, not someone who has actually read the book. Besides the fact that he sounds like a lunatic, I will add he is a predator and a criminal who has committed insurance fraud. He has a lot at stake here.

As a father he is a coward who hides behind his kids and step kids. The big Christmas pictures of their Brady Bunch family, is a portrait mash up of  ‘Where’s Waldo?’ combined with, ‘Who’s going to jail?’

The camouflaging  almost works except you can still see the baboon’s ass.

My kids are just trying to survive. Two still live under their step-mother’s roof and my eldest is being bribed by a fully funded medical school education. Never mind the fact that they are forbidden to see me, I’d like to know if he has talked to the kids about, ‘Dad going to jail’… Yeah, I wonder if that conversation has happened.

The two star review by Margaret J. is someone who lives in the same retirement facility as my parents and probably their friend who doesn’t like what I wrote about them. However, I was able to extract some compassion from her, and she seemed almost reluctant to leave a poor review. Because my brother’s blood cries out to me, I could no longer keep silent about my parents.

And that is about all I have heard from my family and ex.



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