What do I do if I suspect financial infidelity?

I would like to address the legal ramifications first.  William J. Larzelere,III recommends the following and can be found in F.I.F.I, Chapter 12.

1. DO NOT sign of give permission for your name to be signed on any documents that you do not thoroughly review.  If you are not sure what you are signing, have it reviewed by an attorney.

2. Gather any and all documentation discussed above and any other documents you can get your hands on.  Make copies of you can not keep the originals.  Keep all materials in a safe place that only you or someone you trust can access (i.e. safety deposit box).

3.  Get to a lawyer to discuss your options, including a matrimonial agreement to terminate the community regime and separate your property while remaining married, or even divorce.

4. Stay calm and do not discuss your actions with your spouse until you have been advised by an attorney.


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