Am I the only one affected by my ex/spouse/partner’s financial infidelity?

By all means NO!  If your partner has a secretary, associates and general staff, no doubt they are sucked in too.  They may have been asked to sign your name, witness your signature or even notarize it.  My ex had a high turnover rate at his law office.  I’m sure some people were asked or even witnessed activity they were not okay with and therefore, left.  Thank God I had a friend who gave me the skinny!  When she did leave, she made it clear she did not want her name on a single piece of paper in that office.

Many people fear for their jobs and are willing to lie, cheat and steal to keep it.  That includes defending the boss.  They are bought.

“Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.” ~ Sir Walter Scott

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