Do you recommend always telling your attorney the truth?

Short answer is : Yes.


I was taught by my father to always tell the truth to your doctor and to your attorney.  Hopefully these are professionals who have a history of ethical behavior and you trust them.  If not, move on.

My ex keeps trying to bait my attorney by saying things like, “Oh I sent her a check for $20,000.00.  I guess Jodi didn’t tell you.”  The phantom check never came to me nor was I made aware of its existence.  I doubt it exists except in the recesses of my ex’s warped mind.

Fortunately, my attorney knows  what he is dealing with when it comes to my ex.  He also knows I tell him everything and I have never lied.  Create that kind of relationship with your attorney.

Another good example is taken from the movie Legally Blonde where Reese Witherspoon’s client is in jail for a murder she did not commit.  The client is a fitness instructor and was getting liposuction at the time of the murder.  She had an alibi and was truthful with her attorney but could not allow her alibi to be made public because it would ruin her career.  Interesting dilemma.  Her legal representation needed to cover her and if he/she is a good attorney they can do that successfully.

Last time I checked, there is no shortage of lawyers.  Be persistent and get the relationship you want.

d.b.a. Music on Frenchmen St.

d.b.a. Music on Frenchmen St.

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