You talk about recovery and sobriety more than once in FIFI, what does your sobriety mean to you?

Sobriety is the most important thing in my life because if I am not clean and sober, I cannot do anything.  In my immediate family of origin, only my father and I read books on sobriety and attended 12 step meetings.  No one else understood setting boundaries and detaching from toxic people and situations.  These are tools I employed early on when I stopped drinking at 25 years of age.

When my children were born, I decided I would allow my family to have a relationship with them.  I know I did the right thing.  However, now that my children are grown and nearly grown, they do not need me to forge these relationships for them.  I am free to detach from members of my family who remain toxic, even now.

As you can tell from reading FIFI, I am bracingly honest about my family’s dysfunction.  Not unlike a physical wound, I believe the only way emotional wounds can begin to heal is to expose them to the sunshine and oxygen.  If my own family fails to embrace wellness, my hope is this story will help others reach sanity and peace in a bullshit free zone.

May your holidays be happy and bullshit free.

Iconic Mr. Bingle


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